6 Tricks Coffee Experts Use To Stop Caffeine Jitters Fast

Young Asian woman drinking coffee in sidewalk cafe
Young Asian woman drinking coffee in sidewalk cafe

Young Asian woman drinking coffee in sidewalk cafe

Ah... there’s nothing quite like getting that buzz from the first coffee of the day.

However, by the second or third cup of joe, our favourite hot beverage can come with an unwanted side order of a serious set of the dreaded caffeine jitters.

For those of us who are sensitive to caffeine in the first place, coffee shakes can be caused by just one surprisingly strong coffee – cue the heart palpitations and sweats.

Well, spare a thought for Howey Gill, Grind’s Head of Coffee, who’s had to taste 180 coffees in a day before (we’ve got the jitters just thinking about it).

He tells us: ″On my first trip to a coffee farm I had to taste 180 coffees in an afternoon (after tasting a few in the morning too) – I basically laid in my hotel bed, buzzed as hell, then got up at 6am to go to another coffee tasting. Basically I’ve lived it.”

However, fortunately for us, Howey has let HuffPost UK in on his whole host of tricks that can banish the shakes for good.

  • Eat bananas: The Natural Antidote. Bananas are a simple and effective remedy for coffee jitters. Packed with potassium, bananas can help counteract the jittery effects of caffeine.

  • Drink wine: If bananas don’t do the trick, I suggest turning to red wine, ideally. The nuanced flavours of wine can provide a welcome distraction, allowing you to shift your focus away from the caffeine buzz.

  • Start early: To manage caffeine intake, I advise starting your coffee rituals early in the day. By avoiding substantial coffee consumption after 4 pm, you can ensure a more restful night’s sleep without sacrificing your love for coffee. If I have a big tasting to do, I work hard to keep them first thing!

  • Drink arabica: Delving into the coffee varieties, opt for Arabica beans. Compared to Robusta, Arabica contains less caffeine (Robusta has approximately 1.5x the caffeine), offering a milder and more controlled energy boost.

  • Embrace decaf: The growing quality of decaffeinated coffee, produced using eco-friendly techniques makes decaf easy to embrace. Don’t shy away from decaf options and feel free to inquire about the coffee’s origin for a more enriching experience.

  • Prioritise sleep: The simplest solution to fatigue – get more sleep. Acknowledging that sometimes, a good night’s rest is the best remedy, I recommend people prioritise sleep over excessive coffee consumption.
