6 things you should know about ovarian cancer

Target Ovarian Cancer suggests there is a lack of awareness (Alamy/PA)
Target Ovarian Cancer suggests there is a lack of awareness (Alamy/PA)

If you aren’t clear on the symptoms of ovarian cancer, you aren’t the only one. Target Ovarian Cancer says only 3% of women are confident in naming all the warning signs of the disease – and more awareness is urgently needed.

The four main symptoms are persistent bloating; pelvic or abdominal pain; feeling full or a loss of appetite and an increased need to urinate.

But just one in five were able to identify bloating as a sign, according to the poll of 1,000 women across the UK. Only 1% were able to identify increased urinary urgency or frequency as a symptom, and just 3% knew feeling full or a loss of appetite could be a sign of ovarian cancer.

Almost a third (32%) knew that pelvic or abdominal pain was a symptom.

Aside from these key symptoms, what else should you know?

1. It’s not a ‘silent’ killer

Ovarian cancer is often falsely dubbed ‘the silent killer’, as people often believe it has no symptoms. The reality is that many women have been living with symptoms long before they go to the doctor and get a diagnosis.

2. The symptoms are subtle

That being said, the four main symptoms are often less obvious than, for example, breast cancer. As everyone has likely experienced these symptoms at some point or another, it can be difficult to tell if it’s a sign of ovarian cancer. The key is in the persistence of the symptoms and noticing if they don’t go away.

3. It affects young women too

Post-menopausal women who haven’t had any children, or are infertile, are most at risk of developing the disease, but it is also possible for younger women to develop it. Target Ovarian Cancer says that while most cases occur in women who have already gone through the menopause, around 1,000 women under 50 develop the disease each year.

4. A cervical smear won’t detect it

According to 2019 research by Target Ovarian Cancer and YouGov, one in five women mistakenly think a cervical smear can detect ovarian cancer. The truth is there is no test for ovarian cancer, which is why women need to be diligent about catching the symptoms early.

If you’re concerned, downloading a symptom tracker from the app store can help you to record how often you’re urinating, how often you experience stomach pain and bloating, and any other changes that might be important for your doctor to know.

5. It’s not the same as cervical cancer

There are lots of different gynaecological cancers, including cervical, ovarian, uterine, vaginal and vulvar. Each of these cancers has different signs and symptoms.

6. It’s more common than you think

According to Cancer Research UK, each year in the UK there are approximately 7,500 new cases of ovarian cancer. As most women are diagnosed once the cancer has already spread, about 45% will survive their cancer for 5 years or more. If you suspect you’re displaying the symptoms of ovarian cancer, speak to your GP.