5 UK lottery winners are just a phone call away from becoming millionaires

  • Five UK lottery winners are millionaires and they don't even know it.

  • Their tickets are worth more than $1 million.

  • They have up to 180 days to come forward or risk losing the life-changing money.

Five UK lottery winners are just a phone call away from becoming millionaires.

The winners have yet to lay claim to their £1 million, which is around $1.3 million, prizes and risk losing out on the money. Two unaware winners have only until May to claim their life-changing money.

If the prizes aren't claimed, the money and any accrued interest will go toward supporting National Lottery Projects across the UK, the National Lottery says on its website.

If tickets have been lost, the National Lottery asks to be notified within 30 days of the draw.

Andy Carter, a winners' advisor for Camelot, which operated the UK's National Lottery until 2024, previously told Business Insider he'd seen some pretty close calls during his time in the role.

Carter recalled how one man, aged 18 or 19, who lived at home with his parents, had been tidying his room when he found a long-forgotten ticket that was "worth a couple of hundred thousand pounds."

"We have 180 days to pay a prize out after a draw," Carter said, "and I think he phoned up on day 179."

"He was a lucky boy. If he'd left it another 24 hours, it would have gone," he added.

Earlier this week, the California Lottery revealed the winner of the mammoth $1.765 billion lottery last year.

It identified Theodorus Struyck as the representative of a group who bought the ticket in Frazier Park.

The seller, which it said was a family-owned business called Midway Market, got a $1 million bonus for its part.

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