2:22 A Ghost Story star Sophia Bush condemns man caught taking photos in ladies’ dressing room

The producers and star of 2:22 A Ghost Story have issued statements after a man was caught trying to take photos of female cast members in their dressing room.

The incident reportedly happened over the weekend at London’s Apollo Theatre, the production’s fifth venue since it first premiered in 2021.

One Tree Hill star Sophia Bush is the latest lead actor to take on a role in the thriller, which has seen celebrity thespians like Lily Allen, Cheryl and Laura Whitmore come in and out of the cast.

The new cast, which also includes Ricky Champ, Clifford Samuel and Jaime Winstone, held their first preview on Sunday (14 May) night when the incident reportedly took place.

“The producers of 2:22 A Ghost Story wish to express their anger following an incident at the theatre before the first preview of the new cast at the Apollo Theatre yesterday,” Runaway Entertainment said in a statement.

“A member of the public tried to take photos of cast members in a private space. We are grateful that team members successfully alerted the actors. The person in question fled.”

Sophia Bush in promotional material for ‘2:22 A Ghost Story’ (Runaway Entertainment)
Sophia Bush in promotional material for ‘2:22 A Ghost Story’ (Runaway Entertainment)

The company said it was taking measures to increase security at the venue. “It is sad that the actions of one unscrupulous person may have an impact on how our cast feels able to engage with audiences at the theatre,” they added.

Meanwhile, Bush added in a statement on social media: “For the people saddened by my lack of a stage door tonight... I hate to have to say this, but transparency feels important. A man stuck a camera in the window of our ladies’ dressing room this afternoon ahead of the show. He was apparently casing the corner, and waited to hear our voices, and then shoved his camera through our curtains.

“Luckily he was swiftly hit and blocked by a male coworker who happened to be outside, saw him behaving oddly, realised what was happening when HE heard us gals talking, and lept in when he saw the camera push through into our private space.

“One terrible, awful, thinks-he’s-entitled-to-us-somehow-misogynistic predator RUINS a milestone night for every one of you nice people. That level of threat causes a security response that changes all our plans. For good? Maybe. I don’t know yet...

“It sucks. It colours a beautiful night with something ugly and scary and sad,” she continued.

Sophia Bush (Getty Images)
Sophia Bush (Getty Images)

“So. Thanks to everyone who showed up with love. To the predatory guy? F*** you very much. I hope someone there for our opening might be able to help us figure out who you are... you deserve to be caught.

“And for god’s sake, can’t women have some f***ing fresh air??”

Earlier this year, The Independent reported that some theatres were weighing phone bans after naked photos of James Norton in A Little Life were published by the Daily Mail.

For the recent Broadway play Take Me Out, audiences had to have mobile phones sealed in magnetic pouches, but not even that was sufficient to stop Grey’s Anatomy star Jesse Williams from being filmed nude.